An Adoption Journey Filled with Love, Laughter, Triumph, and Joy

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As you can guess, we are from SoFla, home of the hurricanes (not the U of M team but the real thing!)

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Keeping Busy....

Today I went shopping and browsed all the cute little girl stuff. I really wanted to buy something for our little guest - tons of sales - but its hard to purchase anything when you don't know sizes. On top if that we are not sure exactly what age our little visitor will be. Pure speculation, we have an idea that she is around 6 and probably will be small for her age (based on feedback from others) but you never know. I could not leave empty handed so I bought some useful items for the home.

First, I bought a water proof mattress cover. Not that our visitor is not potty trained, but what if she has an accident? She is so young and traveling so far away, this experience can bring out her insecurities. If I were in her shoes, I would be scared to death! Therefore we want to play it safe. I also picked up pretty lavender sheets for her bed. All of our sheets tend to be male colors (I live in the land of testosterone!). We have some old car sheets (not for girls), Winnie the Pooh sheets (maybe) and matchbox sheets (definitely not!). SoFlaKid has outgrown the kiddie sheets so I bought him some teenage sheets too. Yes, I got an earful today, Mom! I don't want those sheets on MY bed! This is what prompted my shopping expedition.

So now what. We still need to clear out the guest room. Clean the car for the trip to the airport. Charge up the portable DVD player. Charge up the Camcorder. Pack for the trip. Get snacks to keep at the hotel. We read that some children hoard their food. We want to keep food available at all times, in sight. I was thinking of buying Cheerios, Fruit, Chips, and/or Granola Bars. We have lots of water bottles and will pack a bunch of those too. We will keep the snack supply in the hotel room for consumption day or night. I hope this will help ease her fears (if she has a fear) of no food. Only time will tell.

4 days until we meet our visitor!!!
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