An Adoption Journey Filled with Love, Laughter, Triumph, and Joy

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As you can guess, we are from SoFla, home of the hurricanes (not the U of M team but the real thing!)

Monday, June 19, 2006

Another Successful Father's Day - and no hurricanes in sight!

As we anxiously await the arrival of our visitor, SoFlaDad helped his mother cook an incredible shrimp dinner. But word from the wise, never allow SoFlaDad to make rice! It was dubbed "mushy rice" and SoFlaDad was banned from ever cooking rice again! That job will be assigned to SoFlaMom or Bubbe in the future. SoFlaDad received a great present, the first season of Boston Legal on DVD. We are trying to figure out if Boston Legal is a Law show with a bit if comedy or a Comedy with a bit of Law. Send us a comment of what you think!

Happy Father's Day to all the dads and future dads!

We get to meet our little visitor next week! Time is moving ever so slowly like waiting for the water to boil. I need to stop looking at the calendar but it is so hard not to. In anticipation of minimizing over-stimulation, I went shopping for little girl clothes. I bought a bathing suit - a must in FL - shirts, shorts, and slippers. We are not sure what size she will be so we bought assorted sizes and will have her try them on in anticipation that one of the outfits will fit. Once we know her size, I will make a Wal-Mart run to exchange the rest. I am having so much fun buying little girl things. It's fun to buy little boy stuff but there is so much more of a selection for girls. Shopping should take up some of the time while we wait but I need to find more things to do! Any ideas before we go broke?
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