An Adoption Journey Filled with Love, Laughter, Triumph, and Joy

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As you can guess, we are from SoFla, home of the hurricanes (not the U of M team but the real thing!)

Friday, June 16, 2006

Happy Family

I thought I would post about our Happy Family. Our Happy Family consists of a mom, a dad, a son, and 2 dogs. Yes, canines are the animal of choice if we want to continue being a happy family. Therefore, our happy family will never include reptiles, felines, amphibians, rodents, and insects (sorry to all you exotic animal lovers). We enjoy being the Happy Family, Party of 3 (5 if you include the dogs), but always thought we needed an even number of family members. And it would be nice to even out the number of boys vs. girls. Yes the dogs are males too! I am the only female living in this male dominated home. **giggle**

A little girl is exactly what this Happy Family needs. We need little dresses, hair ties, bows, and tights, to offset the balls, bats, caps, and cars. We have chosen to join a hosting program to find our little girl. A hosting program brings orphaned children from other countries (we chose Russia) to the United States for a cultural exchange program. The children get to experience life in America with an American family (that's us, the Happy Family). Some of the children that travel are adoptable and some are not. We are excited about participating in the program and will share our experience with you.

Stop by soon for more updates!
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